Food & agriculture resources

Quick Bites

Here we include some quick bites from the Centre of Alternative Technology (CAT) free information service

  1. Organic Gardening Takes away the mystery of how to garden more sustainably.

  2. Home Composting To enable everyone to reduce their dependence on purchased compost.

  3. Saving Water in the Garden To help build our resilience

Deeper Dives

Here are some resources dealing with the wider food systems that we are connected to.

  1. Sustainable Food Systems, Siobhan Maderson, 17th June 2020. CAT Lecturer Dr Siobhan Maderson discusses how our current food system creates challenges for social, economic and environmental sustainability in a fascinating webinar

  2. Lifestock, Environment and People (LEAP), University of Oxford. Oxford University is hosting LEAP (Lifestock, Environment and People), a programme of research aimed at finding ways to shift the UK - including farmers and consumers - towards more sustainable diets.

  3. The Food Climate Research Network (FCRN). The Food Climate Research Network (FCRN) includes a lot of output from research to answer key questions related to food systems internationally

  4. People, Plate and Planet - The impact of dietary choices on health, greenhouse gas emissions and land use Is a great report giving some easy to digest comparisons between different types of diet.